In this 40 Days Through the Book video Bible study, Levi Lusko guides you through these letters from Paul to the believers in Thessalonica, revealing what the apostle’s words meant to his original readers and how they apply to you today.
You will be encouraged as you listen to Levi’s teachings and challenged to study the books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians during the forty days of this study. Join Levi on a journey through Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians that encourages you to keep calm, remain faithful, and work hard until Jesus returns.
The video teaching and study guide material invite us to... understand what the apostle's words meant to his original readers, and how they apply to us today. be encouraged in areas you need to grow in your faith recognise that many times it takes tribulation to get to jubilation The 40 Days Through the Book series is designed to help you actively engage with God’s Word.
Each study encourages you to read through selected books in the New Testament at least once during the course of the study. As. You do, you will gain (1) an understanding of the background and culture of the book or letter, (2) insights into key passages that you might have overlooked before, and (3) clear takeaways that you can apply today to your life.