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In the Name of God

In the Name of God

Regular price £20.39 GBP
Regular price £26.50 GBP Sale price £20.39 GBP
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In the Name of God tells the story of two of the most iconic figures of national lore, George W. Truett and J. Frank Norris, who dominated much of the first half of twentieth century ecclesiology and culture not just in Fort Worth and Dallas but in the whole of America. Norris, at the First Baptist Church in Fort Worth, and Truett, at the First Baptist Church in Dallas lived lives of conflict and controversy with each other for decades. Both led the largest churches in the world in the 1920s and 1930s. Both shot and killed a man, one by accident and the other in self-defense. This work provides a virtual panoply of intrigue, espionage, confrontation, manipulation, plotting, scheming, and even blackmail. All in God’s name.