Paul O. Ingram adds his voice to a long list of writers seeking to relate Christian tradition to the hard realities of this post-Christian age of religious and secular pluralism. As a Lutheran, Ingram thinks grace flows over this universe like a waterfall, so he brings Christian mystical theology into a discussion of the meaning of grace.
Alfred North Whitehead's philosophical vision provides a language that serves as a hermeneutical bridge by which historians of religions can interpret the teachings and practices of religious ways other than their own without falsification, and by which theologians can appropriate research in the history of religions as a means of helping Christians to advance in their own journeys of faith.
The purpose of the journey of faith is what Whitehead called "creative transformation". The contemporary theological tradition that has most systematically and coherently followed Whitehead's lead in its reflection on non-Christian ways is process theology, which is perhaps the only liberal or progressive theological movement now active in the twenty-first century.