Naturally influenced by the interpretive framework of each succeeding era, each depiction of Moses is different from the next. Gerhard von Rad's classic contribution to this cycle of reinterpretation draws correlations between the historicity of the text and his own contemporary context. Passed on through oral tradition from generation to generation, the story has been enriched and built upon, benefitting from the discoveries, questions and perspectives of later eras. Yet, behind the lasting picture of the protagonist who surpasses the bounds of human capacity, the humility of Moses and constant of God is often lost. In this seminal exegetical work about the Moses traditions and the Old Testament, von Rad reminds us that it is God, rather than Moses, who is the principal actor of the text. Through the living God's great acts of salvation, patience and judgement, His revelation is conveyed to the faithful through the mechanism of man.
K.C. Hanson's welcome new edition of Moses provides the reader with a more polished text, cross-references to von Rad's other works, an updated bibliography, Scripture index and a new foreword by Walter Brueggemann.