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Solomon Says

Solomon Says

Regular price £10.19 GBP
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If we could give our tweens one tool to mold them into strong, faithful adults, what might that tool be? The wisdom of the Bible. Thankfully, this wisdom is easily accessible in the book of Proverbs, written by King Solomon, the wisest man to ever live. Solomon Says: 100 Days of Wisdom from the World’s Wisest King offers growing, impressionable minds one hundred devotions based on priceless wisdom that is straight from King Solomon himself. Written for ages 8 to 12, each practical and culturally relevant devotion begins with a passage from Proverbs. Engaging examples help readers see how King Solomon’s ancient wisdom applies to today’s world, and then short prayers and simple activities put the words to work in the readers’ own lives. By offering the Proverbs in an engaging form and by showing practical ways to apply them, Solomon Says invites kids to see how ancient wisdom is still helpful, intriguing, and essential in their modern world.