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The Bible Theft

The Bible Theft

Regular price £9.99 GBP
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"Thieves operate in this area" is a familiar warning in many places: airports, railway stations, supermarkets. But is this warning also necessary for the church? The thieves Peter Sanlon cautions against are not those who would take the church silverware, the weekly collection or the lead on the roof. He is concerned about those who would steal something more valuable from the church: the clear teaching of the Bible. In this volume, Dr Sanlon looks at key passages in the New Testament that address false teaching. He knows the damage it does when God's Word is replaced with human invention: Christians are confused, fellowship is broken and the Church loses its confidence to declare the gospel of Jesus Christ in the world. This is a manual for local churches to engage in crime prevention: to protect themselves against the heinous crime of stealing God's Word from God's Church. Foreword by the Most Reverend Doctor Foley Beach, Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America and Chairman elect of GAFCON.