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The Church as Salt and Light

The Church as Salt and Light

Regular price £15.51 GBP
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At once prophetic, pastoral, and personal, this book applies the symbols of 'salt' and 'light' as ecclesiological images for reimaging the African Church for today and tomorrow. Reconsidering the path towards abundant life for God's people in the challenging context of the African continent, and through the agency of African Christianity, the contributors stress the necessity of de-Westernising African theology and ask these fundamental questions: What is the face of Jesus in African Christianity? What is the face and identity of the Church in Africa? What positive imprint is Christianity leaving on the lives and societies of African Christians? Does the Christian message have the potential of positively affecting African civilization as it once did in Europe? What is the relevance and place of African Christianity as a significant voice in shaping both the future of Africa and that of world Christianity? The Church as Salt and Light brings to the fore new voices in African theology, and will be of great interest to all those concerned with the future of a diverse and responsive global Church.